Q: How Do I Make a Tooth Fairy Certificate When they put their tooth under their pillow at night, the Tooth Fairy can leave this certificate in its place. Then, let your child decorate the certificate however they like! You can even write in their name and the date they lost their tooth. Simply trace around the tooth on the paper to make a outline.

Making a Tooth Fairy Certificate is easy and fun! All you need is a white piece of paper, some crayons or markers, and your child’s tooth. The next morning, the envelope was gone and my son had a dollar bill in its place. I put it in an envelope with the tooth and placed it under his pillow before he went to bed. I filled it out with my son’s name and the date he lost his tooth. I googled “Tooth Fairy Certificate” and found a printable one.

I had no idea what the Tooth Fairy protocol was. When my son was five, he lost his first tooth.