and 1.7.10 at the moment, of course you can pre-generate entire maps in single-player and use them on servers with different versions of MC! (You will have the map, just not with any of the MCW features like console commands, custom biome colors, mob spawning in user-made structures etc). Only works for Forge single- and multi-player for MC 1.7.2. You can also manage ore distribution or create your own ore veins/mines! Even if you want to keep it simple, you can just add natural features like waves, craters, volcanoes, custom vegetation, fallen trees, tree-stumps, rocks, fossils, geysers, you name it. You can create large and small worlds, pvp arenas, battlefields with destructible environments, randomly generated dungeon instances (like in Diablo), custom maps and game levels.

Or even better, use a single-player client to pre-generate the entire world while running in the background, then upload the pre-generated map to your server and play with your friends! Use the graphical user interface that is packaged with the mod to easily configure your world, add/swap structures, configure world borders and pre-generate the entire world using your multiplayer server. Ask your favorite mod-makers to add support for MCW so that their mods can add custom mobs/blocks/npcs/quests/scripts to your user-made structures! More information and code examples can be found in the mod's thread on the mc forums (tools section). It also means that structures can be easily shared with the whole community and can be used by anyone for any kind of world! Almost 400 structures are included with the download for you to explore and use in your own worlds! Update: MCW now also supports Forge Inter-Mod-Communications so that any other Forge mod can embed its data in user made-structures. This means that you can re-use your structures in different worlds with just a few clicks in the graphical user interface. This mod doesn't just allow users to completely customise terrain generation, it also auto-magically blends in user made structures with any terrain/biome you configure them to spawn in. you'd just like a PVP arena or a randomly generated dungeon for you and your friends to do battle in? MineCraft Worlds allows you to do all that and more! Even if you're only interested in some lovely custom made shrubberies or a few small tweaks to ore-distribution, we've got you covered. Have you ever wanted to generate a completely customised MineCraft world, filled with buildings and landscapes unlike any you've seen before? Maybe a desolate wasteland with ruined buildings, abandoned cities and crumbling skyscrapers like in Fallout? Or how about a gigantic city riddled with roads and filled with buildings and vehicles like in GTA? Maybe you'd like to re-create the world of Warcraft, or perhaps.